Helena Michálková
University of South Bohemia, Faculty of Health and Social Studies, Department of Nursing, České Budějovice, Czech Republic

Korespondenční autor: Helena Michálková (

ISSN 1804-7181 (On-line)

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Submitted:20. 9. 2009
Accepted: 18. 1. 2010
Published online: 11. 6. 2010


The article was focused on the issue of satisfaction of the psychical and social needs of ostomates. The goal of the work was to ascertain the most frequent psychosocial needs of ostomates.

A questionnaire was made up to give a true picture of the given issue. The questionnaire was intended for clients with ostomies on the gastrointestinal and urogenital system. 109 respondents participated in the research. Hospital institutions from all regions of the Czech Republic are represented in the questionnaire research. The questionnaire results were subjected to statistical analysis.

The analysis shows that a stoma represents a serious life situation for the client. It is an intervention in the ostomate’s social and intimate life. The client copes with the situation very slowly and very painfully. That is why stress is put on pre-operation preparation, so that the client has sufficient information on the new situation and sufficient time to prepare for such situation. The research shows that most respondents have sufficient information on the care of a stoma; unfortunately, they do not have so much information on social services and social benefits. The care for the ostomate does not end after the exchange of the retaining system. It is important that the ostomate learns to exchange the bag, but he must learn to live with the stoma in the first instance.

The goal for the qualified nurse is to support the patient’s ability to adapt to the new life with stoma, to master perfectly the technique of stoma care, to help them cope with a new way of life, to teach them how to acquire self-sufficiency, how to reacquire lost self-confidence and so to return to a full life.

Keywords: stoma; ostomate; stoma nurse; care for ostomies; nursing


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