Eliška Pešlová
University of South Bohemia, Faculty of Health and Social Studies, Department of Legal Branches, Management and Economics, České Budějovice, Czech Republic

Korespondenční autor: Eliška Pešlová (

ISSN 1804-7181 (On-line)

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Submitted:26. 1. 2010
Accepted: 15. 3. 2010
Published online: 11. 6. 2010


Objectives: The goal of the research was to find out what is the level of public awareness on the issue of international child abductions in České Budějovice.

Methods: Qualitative research, the questioning method, the structured interview technique with open questions was used for fulfilment of this goal.

Results: It was found that there is not only low the public awareness on the issue of illegal removal or retention of children in České Budějovice but also knowledge of the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

Conclusion: The number of cases of international child abductions by one parent, not only abroad but also in the Czech Republic has increased in recent years. It is necessary to introduce certain preventive measures to reduce the number of these cases. Parent awareness on the issue of international child abductions plays an important role in the sphere of prevention of illegal removal or retention of children. According to the research results, it is necessary to focus on raising the public awareness on children’s rights and on raising the mixed parent awareness on the issue of international child abductions.

Keywords: child; international child abduction; prevention; awareness; public


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