Karel Blažek
University of South Bohemia, College of Health and Social Studies, Department of Clinical Branches, Czech Republic

Korespondenční autor: Karel Blažek (

ISSN 1804-7181 (On-line)

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Submitted:10. 11. 2009
Accepted: 23. 3. 2009
Published online: 11. 6. 2010


This paper recapitulates, in brief, the history of primary paediatric care and its development in Czechoslovakia and later in the Czech Republic.

Its objective is to provide information about both the history of primary care in the Czech lands and its current problems and future prospects.

The work is based on the author’s forty-five years of experience in different fields and posts of paediatric care; for the last 15 years he has worked as a general practitioner for children and youth (PLDD) in his private surgery, and on the study of both domestic and foreign literature related to these problems (Editorial 2001, Janda 2003, Cabrnochová and Janda 2008).

The development is divided into three stages. The first includes the main critical moments from the period before the 1950s. The second stage describes the development up to 1989. The third stage, beginning in the 1990s, is in fact the present. The future of primary care is dealt with in the conclusion. The unquestionable successes and the problems of the present are mentioned, when further orientation and future development change in connection with the general improvement of the health of the population.

The text shows that paediatrics as a branch developed on the basis of social pathology and that modern paediatrics again deal with, above all, the social problems of children.

Keywords: primary care of children and youth; preventive paediatrics; social paediatrics; accidents


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