Valérie Tóthová, Helena Michálková, Lenka Šedová, Miloš Velemínský, Jana Samková
University of South Bohemia, Faculty of Health and Social Studies, Department of Nursing, České Budějovice, Czech Republic

Korespondenční autor: Valérie Tóthová (

ISSN 1804-7181 (On-line)

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Submitted:5. 10. 2009
Accepted: 8. 2. 2010
Published online: 11. 6. 2010


The present article is focused on differentiated nursing care provided to the Vietnamese minority. The extensive research performed all over the Czech Republic mapped the differences in providing Vietnamese patients with nursing care. The respondents answered questions related to the care for their health, to their opinions on the Czech health service and on the barriers found in Czech health care facilities in questionnaire investigation. The questionnaire investigation confirmed that the members of the Vietnamese minority care for their health and are satisfied with medical care in the Czech Republic; unfortunately, the research demonstrated communication barriers between the medical staff and Vietnamese patients. Nevertheless, the research results are very positive. The Vietnamese community is assimilated and has adapted to the Czech culture in a level that does not require culturally differentiated care. This fact documents also the high quality of nursing care provided in the Czech Republic. Yet it is necessary to perceive cultural differences, so that we can offer even more professional and individual care at the top modern level.

Keywords: Vietnamese minority; multicultural care; health; communication; nursing; needs


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