Libuše Čeledová, Rostislav Čevela, Martin Šimák
Department for Assessment Service, Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, Prague, Czech Republic

Korespondenční autor: Libuše Čeledová (libuse.celedova@mpsv.cz)

ISSN 1804-7181 (On-line)

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Submitted:10. 10. 2011
Accepted: 30. 3. 2012
Published online: 28. 6. 2012


The upcoming amendment to Act No. 266/2006 Coll., on Employee Accident Insurance, which is to enter into effect on 1 January 2013, enshrines the migration of the accident insurance stock, currently provided for by the Kooperativa and Česká pojišťovna insurance companies, as well as the actual implementation of the employee accident insurance to the Czech Social Security Administration (CSSA) or, where appropriate, the respective District Social Security Administration (DSSA). According to the current legislative intentions, the decision-making concerning the benefits shall fall under the competence of DSSA’s. The Assessment Service doctors shall assess, in particular, the damage to health and the degree of damage to health, in order to determine whether benefits shall be granted under the employee accident insurance scheme. In addition to the existing role in assessing the entitlement to the sickness insurance and pension insurance benefits, including disability pensions and the disbursement of these benefits, CSSA shall – as a new task – also monitor the accident insurance benefits and consequently, the disability pensions arising from a work accident or occupational disease. This is a significant change since, at present, CSSA makes no differentiation as to whether a person has become disabled as a result of a work accident or occupational disease. There is no legal regulation in force that requires CSSA to monitor the number of disabilities as a result of work accident or occupational disease. Due to the absence of valid data, it is not possible to determine the costs of disability pensions granted on the grounds of work accidents and occupational diseases. It is thus of high importance that, when preparing the bill, the legislator took account of the need to provide for the obligation of the Czech Social Security Administration to monitor the data concerning disability due to work accident or occupational disease.

Keywords: accident insurance; accident; occupational disease; disability


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