Rebeka Ralbovská1, Renata Knezović2
1Czech Technical University, Faculty of Biomedical Engineering, Department of Medicine and Humanities, Praha, Czech Republic; 2Faculty of Medicine UK, Bratislava, Slovak Republic

Korespondenční autor: Rebeka Ralbovská (

ISSN 1804-7181 (On-line)

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Submitted:19. 3. 2012
Accepted: 13. 6. 2012
Published online: 20. 12. 2012


The article oves informatik about the trauma experienced by the Jews during the Holocaust and the impal of trauma on next generations. When studying the influence of Holocaust on psychic we consider not only the situation of the camp survivors. We study, too, the psychic and the interpersonal relations of the so called “hidden-children” (those who were hiding before transport with their parents or alone at foreign people) and we study, too, those who were born after the war to the parents-survivors. The dissertation will focus on social mechanisms of collective identity and collective memory which facilitate a trangenrational transfer of the experience of Holocaust. The professional access to them in the health and social care can be improved by under standing and awareness of personal stories of such people.

Keywords: transgeneration transport of trauma; PTSD; Holocaust; shoah; victim; hidden-children


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