A comparison of views of children and foster parents on the integration of a child into a family

Tomáš Čech, Michaela Králová
Faculty of Education, Masaryk University, Department of Social Education, Brno, Czech Republic

Korespondenční autor: Tomáš Čech (cech@ped.muni.cz)

ISSN 1804-7181 (On-line)

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Submitted:24. 10. 2012
Accepted: 25. 4. 2013
Published online: 28. 6. 2013


The Czech Republic has been repeatedly criticised for the large number of children who are being placed into institutional substitute family care. A solution, for which inspiration can be found e.g. in Scandinavian countries, is to increase the number of foster families, which would provide upbringing in a substitute family for children from a risky environment. However, it has to be a systemic process of preparing foster parents for this uneasy social mission. Important feedback is without doubt studies which are carried out in foster families. Most surveys focus on the experiences of parents-fosterers with raising children in a substitute family. On the other hand, there is a nearly total lack of surveys which would reflect the opinions, experiences and possibly also the needs of the children themselves. This deficiency has been tackled by the authors of this text, which is dealing with the issues of integration of a child into a foster family, and where the experiences with integration of a child into a family were mapped by a qualitative research inquiry – both from the side of parents-fosterers and the children themselves. Knowledge resulting from a semi-structured interview supported by a family history, a drawing of the family and a pie chart of happiness and worries have been used for the final interpretation of the conclusions drawn from this research.

Keywords: family; foster care; integration of a child into a family; qualitative research


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