The development of care services in the Czech Republic in dates

Petra Formánková
University of South Bohemia, Faculty of Health and Social Studies, Department of Legal Branches, Management and Economy, České Budějovice, Czech Republic

Korespondenční autor: Petra Formánková (

ISSN 1804-7181 (On-line)

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Submitted:21. 8. 2013
Accepted: 29. 11. 2013
Published online: 30. 12. 2013


Care service that originates on the basis of neighbourhood and civic mutual assistance has undergone many years of demanding process, which resulted in the modern social service working in many places with cutting-edge technologies. Current caretakers differ from the then kind of neighbour, who dropped in to warm lunch and brought the shopping, in their expert knowledge and skills. Care service comprises many forms, although its quality is standardized. There are towns and villages, where the day care is so desirable that the provider is unable to meet the demand. Conversely, there are places where clients seek alternative services because the quality of care is not satisfactory. But what is the nursing service in the development numeric ranges, will be outlined in the text that analyzes the development of nursing services in the Czech Republic in recent years from 1990 to 2011. The contribution, among other things, provides information about the course of this type of monitored social services. For the implementation of the research was chosen the technique of secondary data analysis. The analyzed documents were materials of the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (MPSV), of the ČSÚ (Czech Statistical Office – translator’s note), and the studies of the Research Institute for Labour and Social Affairs. If the author of the contribution is to evaluate the development of care services during the monitored period, on the basis of the analysis there is an evident increase in care services users by 41%. The author, among other things, points to the need for progressive and targeted development of care services, particularly at local and regional levels, which would ensure care in clients’ natural family, as according to the studied literature, this situation in the Czech Republic is not yet fully secured.

Keywords: demography; day care; social service planning; senior; field care


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