Applicability of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health as a tool for determining benefits for special aids and equipment in the social sector

Olga Švestková1, Kateřina Svěcená1, 2
1Charles University in Prague, First Faculty of Medicine, Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Czech Republic 2University of South Bohemia, Faculty of Health and Social Studies, Department of Preclinical and Clinical Disciplines, České Budějovice, Czech Republic

Korespondenční autor: Olga Švestková (

ISSN 1804-7181 (On-line)

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Submitted:23. 5. 2014
Accepted: 30. 6. 2014
Published online: 15. 7. 2014


The International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) has wide application in the field of rehabilitation. To date, it has been the only tool to combine health and the social view of the patient in the area of services provided. It defines not only the aetiological diagnosis, but also the functional condition of the patient and their participation in society in relation to environmental factors. With the correct enactment in health and social legislation, this classification can be used to provide an effective tool for determining the necessary long-term social services and benefits. In the rehabilitation process of patients/clients in the Czech Republic, the interconnection and coordination of medical and social components is still lacking. Throughout its domains, the ICF covers the area of activities and participation in conjunction with environmental factors. Evaluation of environmental factors is the domain of an occupational therapist. This study focuses primarily on the practical use of the ICF in the area covered by the Act regulating the provision of benefits for special aids and equipment. This act defines the requirements for special aids and equipment for persons with severe disorders of the supporting or musculoskeletal system (modification of motor vehicles, apartment remodelling, special modifications of computers, portable ramps, stair climbers, loadings skids and stair lifts (including installation), requirements for special aids and equipment for the severely visually and hearing impaired. In this study, we focus mainly on the use of the ICF for assessing the entitlement to special aids and equipment for persons with serious disorders of the supporting and musculoskeletal systems, wherein 30 clients were coded using the ICF, activities and participations were determined, including the resulting facilitators or barriers of the environment (environmental factors) that have a major impact on the client’s self-sufficiency, their opportunity to live in their home environment and to achieve the maximum possible quality of life.

Keywords: activity; participation; environmental factors; functioning; facilitators and barriers; quality of life


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