Objections against natural family planning and experience of users

Lucia Mazúchová, Adriana Kullová
Comenius University in Bratislava, Jessenius Faculty of Medicine in Martin, Department of Midwifery, Slovak Republic

Korespondenční autor: Lucia Mazúchová (mazuchova@jfmed.uniba.sk)

ISSN 1804-7181 (On-line)

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Submitted:9. 5. 2014
Accepted: 7. 7. 2014
Published online: 31. 12. 2014


The most common objections against methods of natural family planning (NFP) are its unreliability, complexity and the exacting nature of its requirements, including the restraint, and lack of naturalness involved. The aim of this study was to address these objections by exploring the experience of users of natural parenthood planning (NFP) methods and also to discover the level of awareness among doctors and nurses/midwives about these methods. The survey file was made up of 450 respondents (age 31 ± 12 years) all of whom were practising natural methods of family planning. A questionnaire constructed by the authors was used as a research tool and was distributed to the NFP users via e-mail. People using natural methods of parenthood planning had been addressed by NFP speakers. The questionnaire contained 31 items consisting of open, semi-open and closed questions. Eight items were categorized and 23 items were focused on the use of NFP methods. Objections against the NFP were not confirmed by our study. The majority of NFP users were satisfied with the use of natural parenthood planning methods, and considered these methods reliable, natural, simple to understand and use, representing a positive contribution to the partnership/marital relationship. There was a lack of awareness of NFP methods among doctors and nurses/midwives. Natural family planning (NFP) does not repress sexuality, but leads to better understanding, is very reliable, financially non-demanding, and morally acceptable; it contributes to the unity of married couples and also provides to the wife the possibility of monitoring and maintaining her reproduction and gynaecological health. More research into NFP is necessary, to improve awareness of these natural methods, especially among doctors and nurses/midwives in order to increase public awareness and to overcome the prejudice and myths that could lead to a distorted view of the natural parenthood planning.

Keywords: natural parenthood planning; natural methods; NFP users; objections; experience


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