Factors influence on the entry into fatherhood

Adéla Cápová
Andrologic Care Center, České Budějovice, Czech Republic

Korespondenční autor: Adéla Cápová (ada.kubic@seznam.cz)

ISSN 1804-7181 (On-line)

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Submitted:26. 9. 2014
Accepted: 3. 10. 2014
Published online: 26. 6. 2015


Objectives: The scope of this article focuses on issues related to family planning from the men’s point of view. The men’s participation in studies on family planning and reproduction is increasingly recognized as important; both men and women make important contributions to bringing children into life. Methods: Data of qualitative research were collected in interviews with 170 Czech men aged between 25 and 50. A grounded theory approach was used to analyse the data. Results: The results show strong social pressure determining the ideal form of material and psychosocial background for offspring confronts current generation with very demanding decision – making on parenthood timing. Family planning decision – making is influenced by personal values as well as structural factors. Discussion: Although men are in need of negotiations, the responsibility and practical decision-making is left up mainly to women. In the case of speaker’s parents, we see the role of education. Especially level of education of female partner influence timing of parenthood. Conclusion: In men’s opinion, the setting of conditions for the beginning of reproduction should be the result of negotiation within the couple. Although men speak of the need to negotiate, the responsibility and practical decision-making is left up mainly to women.

Keywords: fatherhood; family planning; personal values; partnership; qualitative research


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