Integration of people with visual disabilities

Jitka Bienertová
Educational Company, Inc., Chomutov, Czech Republic

Korespondenční autor: Jitka Bienertová (

ISSN 1804-7181 (On-line)

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Submitted:3. 7. 2014
Accepted: 26. 9. 2014
Published online: 26. 6. 2015


People with disabilities represent a significant group of citizens in the Czech Republic. On the basis of qualified estimates, the number of these people in the Czech Republic is approximately 10% of the general population (the number of people with visual disabilities is about 0.6%). Integration of people with disabilities is currently a priority for both professional and amateur societies, as it plays an important role in many dimensions of a human life (social, health and economic importance, etc.). Integration is considered a situation in which an individual is able to live in the surrounding society. These people feel accepted by this society and they identify themselves with it. It is always a long, two-way process, where the ability of communication and mutual understanding or tolerance is a necessary prerequisite. This contribution describes integration factors, barriers and issues, which a person with a disability comes into mutual relationship. It also describes the options which can be used during the integration process (system of social care and assistance, system of health care, system of supported employment, etc.). The main aim of this contribution was to describe the specifics regarding the integration of people with visual disabilities, their personal views on integration, and inclusion. The research was carried out in two regional subdivisions of the United Organizations of Blind and Visually Impaired of the Czech Republic (SONS of the CR) in the towns of Chomutov and Most. The research sample comprised individuals with visual disabilities of working age (18–65 years old). In the research, the strategy of qualitative research, form of so-called case study – studies of social groups (groups with visual disability) was used. During last 20 years the public attention (state institutions) has focused on improvement of the living conditions of people with disabilities. Nevertheless, discriminatory pressures figure in everyday life activities of these people. The pressures are particularly evident by the long-term disrespect of these people.

Keywords: integration; integration barriers; quality of life; person with visual disability


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