Two varying views of discrimination in the Czech Republic

Irena Attlová1, Karel Attl2
1University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice, Faculty of Economics, České Budějovice, Czech Republic 2Advokacie České Budějovice, Czech Republic

Korespondenční autor: Irena Attlová (

ISSN 1804-7181 (On-line)

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Submitted:16. 5. 2016
Accepted: 10. 6. 2016
Published online: 30. 6. 2016


Since the beginning of the 1950’s, the European Community has dealt with the protection of basic human rights and freedoms of which an integral part is the care of complying with the principles of equal handling and fighting against all forms of discrimination. A similar process started with necessary intensity in our territory after 1989 and accelerated when the Czech Republic joined the European Union in 2004; despite of this, many respondents of sociological researches are sure of a high rate of discrimination. The authors have used a comparative analysis to compare the data on discrimination gained from research on public opinion with the exact data on discrimination gained by the Public Defender of Rights as the responsible authority, namely particular individuals who feel that particular situations as discrimination were examined. The subjective opinion of the respondents of sociological surveys who present their opinion on discrimination but have never faced it markedly differ in many aspects from the data gained by the protector of public rights during the examination of particular complaints; however, these basically agree with the knowledge of the respondents having personal experience with discrimination. The title of the paper came from that because of the existence of two – in our opinion – long-term and unreasonable views of discrimination in the Czech Republic that are presented independently. We consider the first view real and right, because it is supported by the results of research performed by the professional staff of the Public Defender of Rights. Despite the possible protest of some readers we understand the second view as a laic one, established in the general public and sure of the high rate of various discrimination in the Czech society. It is a laic view because the sociological research – although of course carried out and elaborated by renowned companies – includes views of discrimination of the respondents who do not have personal experience with discrimination in 90% of cases; this means that they judge intuitively and mistakenly. The previously mentioned statement is shown in the results. It can be recommended in the period of broad internet use that at least occasional visits to websites of Public Defender of Rights where not only the laic public but the professional public can learn much about discrimination, because the demand for an increase of legal awareness of society is always a neverending process, not only in the sphere of discrimination.

Keywords: discrimination; Charter of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms; international documents; Convention No. 111; EU Parliament and Council Directive 2006/54/ES; anti-discrimination act; Public Defender of Rights; public opinion


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