Quality of life of methamphetamine users in the South Bohemian Region

Nikola Brandová *, Alena Kajanová
University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice, Faculty of Health and Social Sciences, Institute of Social and Special-pedagogical Sciences, České Budějovice, Czech Republic

Korespondenční autor: Nikola Brandová (nikusab@seznam.cz)

ISSN 1804-7181 (On-line)

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Submitted:21. 5. 2021
Accepted: 25. 6. 2021
Published online: 30. 6. 2021



Background: Long-term methamphetamine use has consequences for different areas of users’ lives. It is not only useful to study the quality of life of drug users from the fundamental research perspective, but also because lowered quality of life can cause a relapse. Aim: The objective of the study is to analyze the factors influencing the quality of life of these methamphetamine users. In our study, we explore how age, sex, education, and length of drug use impact the quality of life of this target group.

Methods: Quantitative research design was used, the design used a standardized questionnaire WHOQoL. The research sample consisted of methamphetamine users in the South Bohemian Region (N = 437). The collected data was then statistically processed using the SPSS program via descriptive statistics and further testing of relations between individual variables.

Results: The findings show that long-time female users have the worst quality of life. This group is the most vulnerable and should therefore become a bigger target for organisations that focus on working with drug addicts. It is interesting that some variables that significantly influence the quality of life of other populations groups (age, education) were not significant within this target group.

Conclusions: Programs focused on working with metamphetamine users can prevent deterioration of the quality of life of their clients in different areas within direct social work with the given target group.

Keywords: Drug abuse; Methamphetamine; Quality of life; Social exclusion; South Bohemian region


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