Foster care for Roma children from the point of view of foster care providers

Lucie Marková, Alena Hricová, Stanislav Ondrášek
University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice, Faculty of Health and Social Sciences, Institute of Social and Special-paedagogical Sciences, České Budějovice, Czech Republic

Korespondenční autor: Alena Hricová (

ISSN 1804-7181 (On-line)

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Submitted:22. 7. 2022
Accepted: 3. 11. 2022
Published online: 31. 12. 2022


This study aims to find the motivation factors among non-Roma foster parents for the foster caring of a Roma child. Roma children are more challenging to place in substitute family care, and the Roma minority is associated with the most prejudices and stereotypes. We used indepth, biographical interviews with five foster families to collect data, and thematic analysis to process them. The results showed the causes of motivation and positive and negative internal and external intervening influences. Categories of motivational factors included: doing the right thing (the harder-to-place child gets a home), financial reward, and the dream of a (big) family. The financial reward was considered only as a secondary motive (extra income), and several communication partners were negative about it. The dream of a family was related more to children and a woman’s inability to have children. The negative external intervening variable appeared as the broadest category, namely prejudices from the extended environment and, in some cases, from one’s own family. The internal negative factor was the fear of children running away from their biological families. On the contrary, religious faith and family support were active factors.

Keywords: Foster care; Roma children; Substitute family care; The Roma minority


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