An overview of primary health care in geriatric and need of care intervention

Rehana Sindho Kabooro
Rehana Sindho Kabooro, University of South Bohemia, Faculty of Health and Social Sciences, J. Boreckého 27, 370 11 České Budějovice, Czech Republic

Korespondenční autor: Rehana Sindho Kabooro (

ISSN 1804-7181 (On-line)

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Submitted:3. 7. 2023
Accepted: 7. 11. 2023
Published online: 31. 12. 2023


Objective: To evaluate the care interventions and approaches for the ageing population in different countries and their perspective of geriatric care. Quality assurance and workforce development the monitoring supervision and evaluation of care progression is very demanding for the sustainable delivery of care and frequent trainings and education of healthcare professionals develop quality geriatric care. This study has underscored the significance of specific building characteristics from Swedish and Canadian care models, such as community care, physical support, authenticity, cognitive well-being, comfort, and personalization, in positively influencing various aspects of resident’s quality of life.

Methods: The review study conducted in this research paper adhered to the PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for the Systematic Reviews and Meta- Analyses) guidelines.

Results: The global geriatric care strategy and plan of action on ageing and health, which provide a clear mandate for action across health and social care sectors, where a different set of outcome indicators is needed – indicators that reflect intrinsic capacity, functional ability, quality of life and the attainment of goals defined by the older person.

Conclusion: There are some loopholes in every care system but continuous intervention leads to success as Sweden, and Canada, they have attributed to increased funding for geriatric care programs, but with the care concern, Czech Republic is avoiding to provide such health care services due to many reasons, mainly lack of funds, services providers, and trained staff to carry such task of dealing health care out of hospital and that is the reason community care centres are still not materialized.

Keywords: Canada; Czech Republic; EUGMS; Geriatric; Primary healthcare intervention; Sweden


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