Miluše Vítečková
University of South Bohemia, Pedagogic Faculty, České Budějovice, Czech Republic

Korespondenční autor: Miluše Vítečková (

ISSN 1804-7181 (On-line)

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Submitted:24. 11. 2010
Accepted: 30. 3. 2011
Published online: 15. 6. 2011


The trends of current demographic development also include a so-called increase in extramarital fertility, which is related to the spread of unmarried cohabitation, because in approximately half of these cases this concerns children born into such families. Why do partners choose unmarried cohabitation instead of marriage and what is their attitude to marriage and unmarried cohabitation? Qualitative research in the form of multiple case studies was chosen to enable deeper understanding of this social phenomenon, which can be considered a dangerous social phenomenon in relation to family, and understanding of the reasons that lead parents to cohabit without marriage. The realised dialogues indicate that even though marriage is linked to “formality” and is deemed unnecessary for family life, the choice to enter into unmarried cohabitation is primarily an unplanned decision, a situation that arises from the relationship itself. Apart from “formality” another frequently stated reason is the “influence of the surroundings” and also “fear of change” and “situational obstacles to holding a wedding”. For all communication partners, even those who currently refuse to wed, the issue of marriage is open in the future. On the basis of the realised dialogues, if such cohabitation relationships do not fall apart, it is possible in all cases (even long-term relationships) to consider cohabitation between unmarried partners a “preliminary level to marriage”. It is not possible to determine how these relationships will end up in advance.

Keywords: unmarried cohabitation; marriage; extramarital fertility; attitudes; reasons; motivation


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