Helena Michálková, Valérie Tóthová
University of South Bohemia, Faculty of Health and Social Studies, Department of Nursing, České Budějovice, Czech Republic

Korespondenční autor: Helena Michálková (

ISSN 1804-7181 (On-line)

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Submitted:20. 9. 2009
Accepted: 17. 8. 2010
Published online: 27. 12. 2010


Objectives: The research project was focused on the work of stoma nurses. The work of stoma nurses in the Czech Republic has not been completely unified yet. Stoma nurses do not have unified conditions for their work. Those specialists have different competences and different professional education achieved.

Methods: The research had set the aim to clarify the given situation, to identify the particularities of work of stoma nurses and to ascertain the competences of those professionals. A questionnaire was made up in order to give a true picture of the given issue. The questionnaire was intended for stoma nurses and to nurses caring for ostomates. The questionnaire investigation was performed in all regions of the Czech Republic. 89 respondents participated in the research.

Results: The analysis of the result shows that stoma nurses do not execute their specialization as main job contents. Most respondents deal with the stoma issues during the performance of their primary job contents, and therefore they do not have so much time to work with ostomates as the stoma clients would deserve. Stoma nurses do not have conditions to perform their function either. The respondents do not have spaces to perform their specialization, they do not exactly given competences and deal with ostomates only as needed and only if their primary job contents allows them do that.

Conclusion: The stoma nurse is an unsubstitutable professional in caring for ostomates. Yet it is still not quite self-evident in the Czech Republic to have that function established in each surgical department. Although it is not necessary to discuss the importance of the stoma nurse function, the job contents of stoma nurse is still heterogenous and those specialists have different conditions and competences to perform their specialization. To provide for high quality care for ostomates, it would be appropriate to improve the conditions for performance of specialization for stoma nurses and to define clearly their competences.

Keywords: stoma; ostomate; stoma nurse; care for ostomies; stoma care; nursing


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