Miroslav Stransky
Frohburgstrasse 47 a, 8006 Zürich, Schweiz

Korespondenční autor: Miroslav Stransky (

ISSN 1804-7181 (On-line)

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Submitted:10. 10. 2011
Accepted: 20. 10. 2011
Published online: 15. 11. 2011


Nitrate is a natural and essential part of plants, its concentration in plants depends on a number of factors. Its compounds are used in food industry as preservatives. In production of cheeses, nitrate additive prevents formation of gases. The main source of nitrate in foodstuffs is vegetables, drinkable water and pickled products. Foodstuffs usually contain immaterial amount of nitrite, the source is mainly pickled meat products. Endogenous formation of nitrite from nitrate is however of substantially greater significance. In stomach, nitrite forms nitrosamines together with amines, amides and amino acids that have carcinogenic effect. The concentration of nitrate, nitrite and nitrosamines in pickled products has reduced significantly in the recent years. The health risk based on the current reception of nitrite, nitrate and nitrosamines through foodstuffs is considered very low.

Keywords: nitrate; nitrite; nitrosamines; metabolism; significance; evaluation


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