Karel Attl
University of South Bohemia, Faculty of Health and Social Studies, České Budějovice, Czech Republic

Korespondenční autor: Karel Attl (judr.attl@seznam.cz)

ISSN 1804-7181 (On-line)

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Submitted:28. 2. 2012
Accepted: 24. 7. 2012
Published online: 20. 12. 2012


The objective of this article is to point out some shortcomings of legal regulations governing assisted reproduction in the former Czechoslovakia and in the Czech Republic that have been accompanying infertility treatment since the time when the related methods were discovered. For many years a relevant legal regulation was missing completely and since 2006 it has been affected by insufficient interconnection of the regulation of assisted reproduction under the public law with the Family Act and civil law in general, including observation of international legal documents applicable to the Czech Republic, particularly the Convention of the Rights of the Child.

Keywords: assisted reproduction; infertile couple; methods of assisted reproduction; genetic material; Convention on Human Rights in Biomedicine; Convention of the Rights of the Child; Charter of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms


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