Libuše Čeledová1, 2, Jana Horynová2
1Department of Assessment Service, Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, Praha 2, Czech Republic 2Department of the 1st Deputy Ministr, Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, Praha 2, Czech Republic

Korespondenční autor: Libuše Čeledová (

ISSN 1804-7181 (On-line)

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Submitted:4. 7. 2012
Accepted: 21. 8. 2012
Published online: 20. 12. 2012


The ongoing social reform has brought change in the long-term assessment of adverse health and its medical implications by the Medical Assessment Service (MAS) for the purposes of the Act on social services since 1 January 2012. The first phase of social reform is based on the medical service. Part of the second phase of the social reform is forthcoming proposals for substantive intentions of long-term care and coordinated rehabilitation. The Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs of the Czech Republic is preparing, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic, the intent of the law on long-term care. Long-term care is a complex of services that is required by people with long-term reduced self-sufficiency. The guiding principles of the proposed resolution should be to ensure high-quality long-term care services for the clients, and to link the network of health and social services. The Advisory category in the system of social services – the degree of dependence – should be assessed for a system of long-term care. MAS would decide on assessement for the purposes of dependency allowance at the same time. Therefore, the role of MAS in the second phase of the social reform appears to be similarly crucial for the fulfilment of its objectives as in the first phase of social reform.

Keywords: long-term care; Medical Advisory Service; care allowance


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