Eva Talpová, Pavlína Petržálková, Marie Kulakovská
Rehabilitation center, Kladruby, Czech Republic

Korespondenční autor: Eva Talpová (e.talpova@seznam.cz)

ISSN 1804-7181 (On-line)

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Submitted:29. 2. 2012
Accepted: 24. 9. 2012
Published online: 20. 12. 2012


Spinal cord lesion is one of the most serious injuries. The patients with a transversal spinal lesion need a specialized, coordinated care. Spinal cord injury doesn’t lead only to losing the ability to move the extremities. The patients also suffer from sensitivity loss under the level of the spinal lesion, urination disorders, defecation, sexual functions, breathing etc. There is a risk of many serious health complications for the patient. Due to these reasons, the therapy is lead in specialized center employing multidisciplinary teams of professionals. After the injury, it is necessary to change the position of the patient accordingly, as it is a significant risk factor for pressure ulcers. In the patients with a neck or upper thorax lesion, difficult coughing out is a common complication leading to increased risk of the airways infection. Urinary tract infection is another severe complication. They develop due to an undiagnosed or an incorrectly treated neurogenous lower urinary tract dysfunction caused by the spinal injury. The authors monitor the urinary tract infections situation in one of the specialized center for the clients with a transversal spinal lesion – Spinal rehabilitation ward in the Rehabilitation center Kladruby. The ward has been operational for 9.5 years and the uroinfections pose a serious complication for the patient. In the monitored complications incidence, they are listed on the second place of all the nine places.

Keywords: uroinfection; transversal spinal cord lesion; spinal cord injury; bladder; defecation


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