The impact of the intervention programme of controlled movement activities on the health and quality of life of children with a sensory disability

Zuzana Kornatovská
University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice, Faculty of Education, Department of Health Education, České Budějovice, Czech Republic

Korespondenční autor: Zuzana Kornatovská (

ISSN 1804-7181 (On-line)

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Submitted:11. 9. 2017
Accepted: 22. 9. 2017
Published online: 31. 12. 2017


The term “controlled movement activity” is the name for a system of recreational physical activities aimed at achieving health benefits through professionally driven movement learning. The main objective of the presented study was to analyze the effects of controlled movement activities on physical health and psychosocial health in children with a sensory disability. 80 children with a sensory disability (40 boys, 40 girls) aged 8–15 years, were divided into two groups – experimental (20 boys, 20 girls) and control (20 boys, 20 girls). Testing of psychosocial health indicators (PedsQL 4.0) was performed three times in both groups throughout the 10 month duration of the intervention programme of controlled movement activities. The statistical processing of the data obtained was performed using the ANOVA repeated measures, which included the following factors: subject, phase of the experiment and gender. The results confirmed the health and social benefits of the intervention in the context of disability. Children with a hearing impairment experienced a significant positive shift in social functioning. In visually impaired children it significantly reduced the symptoms of fear and increased self-esteem. The results showed significant positive changes in the experimental group compared to the control group in terms of the “Physical Health” and “Psychosocial Health” scores, including positive changes in the “Emotional Functioning”, “Social Functioning” and “School Functioning” scores.

Keywords: PedsQL 4.0; intervention movement programme; child with a disability; hearing impairment; visual impairment


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