EISSN 1804–7181; ISSN 1804–1868

Founded: 2010

Journal of Nursing, Social Studies, Public Health and Rehabilitation is an international scientific peer-reviewed transdisciplinary journal covering the fields of nursing, health and social sciences, public health, social medicine, preventive medicine and related areas.

The editorial board of Journal of Nursing, Social Studies, Public Health and Rehabilitation takes under consideration for publication: original articles, review articles, and case reports from all fields covered by the journal. Articles from the field of nursing and health and social studies will be prioritized.

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    PUBLISHERS: University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice, Faculty of Health and Social Sciences, Czech Republic and International Society of Applied Preventive Medicine, Vienna, Austria

    Editor in Chief: Ivana Chloubová

    Managing Editor: Valérie Tóthová

    Technical Editor: Eva Ježková

    EDITORIAL OFFICE: Journal of Nursing, Social Studies, Public Health and Rehabilitation, University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice, Faculty of Health and Social Sciences, J. Boreckého 27, 370 11 České Budějovice, Czech Republic

    E-mail: journal.nursing@zsf.jcu.cz