Libuše Čeledová, Rostislav Čevela
Medical Assessment Service Department Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs of the Czech Republic

Korespondenční autor: Libuše Čeledová (libuse.celedova@mpsv.cz)

ISSN 1804-7181 (On-line)

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Submitted:26. 10. 2009
Accepted: 5. 2. 2010
Published online: 11. 6. 2010


The authors present the results of the questionnaire survey conducted by Faktum Invenio, on behalf of the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (MoLSA) of the Czech Republic, amongst the medical assessors on the “Burn-out syndrome of Medical Assessment Service doctors, its root causes and solutions” at the end of 2008. They conclude that the introduction of career rules would be highly motivating, in particular for doctors up to 60 years of age, especially as regards the perspective of potential professional growth.

Keywords: burn-out syndrome; Medical Assessment Service


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