Influence of muscular imbalances on pelvic position and lumbar lordosis: a theoretical basis

Eva Buchtelová, Miroslav Tichý, Kateřina Vaníková
University, Faculty of Health Studies, Department of Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy

Korespondenční autor: Eva Buchtelová (

ISSN 1804-7181 (On-line)

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Submitted:25. 3. 2013
Accepted: 7. 5. 2013
Published online: 28. 6. 2013


This body of research originated as the theoretical basis for part of a dissertation. The aim of this literature review was to obtain a clear picture of the relationships between individual systems which contribute to the development of muscle imbalances. In particular the relationships involved in activation of muscles located in the abdominal wall and back, the position of the pelvis and spine, the associated skeletal muscles found in these areas, as well as the behavior of abdominal muscles in relation to breathing. Based on an analysis of the literature, it was possible to make some generalizations that should be taken into account during the planning of scientific experiments, as well as the planning of preventive or therapeutic strengthening exercises:

  1. There is a mutual relationship between the position of the pelvis and

the shape of the spine, as well as the function of the abdominal and back muscles.

  1. The position of the pelvis and the shape of the lumbar spine are subject

to influence from other parts of the musculoskeletal system. These influences come from both the lower limbs and the upper regions of the torso.

  1. Skeletal muscle structure, pelvic position and the shape of the spine vary

with age. There is a relative increase in the number of slow-twitch fibres within the muscles, which leads to changes in postural functionality. The pelvis gradually tilts forward and results in horizontalization of the sacrum and a deepening of lumbar lordosis.

  1. Previously noted age-related changes can exacerbate pathological

conditions of the lower back.

  1. Muscles can generally be divided into two groups: those muscles

which are primarily involved in local stabilization and those primarily involved in movement and coordination of multiple sections of the musculoskeletal system.

Keywords: abdominal muscles; breathing; pelvic position; skeletal muscle structure; muscular imbalance


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