Information technology and people with disabilities

Eva Talpová, Petra Pešoutová
Rehabilitation Center Kladruby, Czech Republic

Korespondenční autor: Eva Talpová (

ISSN 1804-7181 (On-line)

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Submitted:24. 10. 2013
Accepted: 21. 11. 2013
Published online: 30. 12. 2013


Computers are more important for people with a disability than for common population. This group cannot work or study in obvious way. The reduced ability of movement does not enable to leave their residence, to meet other people or to join in numerous activities. Due to this reason electronic communication has capital importance for these people. Contemporary market offers computers with modifications, technical equipment and assistive devices. It is necessary to consult their right use with a professional and the best is an occupational therapist. On the base of initial medical history the therapist recommends suitable and safe operation of the computer. Great emphasis must be put on ergonomics of working place, ergonomic aids and work organization. This avoids possible stress and complications. Education is very important. With the help of computers disabled people may not be limited in such extent, both in company sphere and study or career implementation. They can realise themselves, obtain information, advice, assistance, they can make new contacts and enjoy themselves. Electronic communication eliminates isolation of these people. Not insignificant plus is also financial advantageousness of electronic communication. Computers and internet network can be an important way of education for those people whose regular school attendance causes problems. Thanks to work on a computer the employment opportunities and retraining possibilities appeared for people with a disability. This information is principal and is related to job rehabilitation and motivation for further education. It is very important to obtain information on various projects and to join them. Although the disabled people have legislative protection in the labour market, the interest of the employers and their individual approach is still essential. It is also necessary to impact social environment and the access of our society.

Keywords: people with a disability; information technology; electronic communication


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