Alena Kajanová, Aneta Klečacká
University of South Bohemia, Faculty of Health and Social Studies, České Budějovice, Czech Republic

Korespondenční autor: Alena Kajanová (

ISSN 1804-7181 (On-line)

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Submitted:2. 3. 2011
Accepted: 12. 9. 2011
Published online: 15. 12. 2011


The knowledge acquired about the freetechno subculture by the general public in the Czech Republic has been obtained exclusively through its negative image associated with consumption of socially illegal drugs as it is depicted in the mass media and which has also been substantiated with results of addictological and sociological surveys.

The objective of our paper is to identify whether there is a connection between the type of drugs used at freetekno parties and the freetekno subculture in the sense of subjectively perceived connection between the type of used drugs and the specific type of a dance party. Another objective is to outline whether the possibility to buy/use a drug represents the priority motivation for visiting a party or only makes the atmosphere of an even as such complete.

We selected the qualitative research, techniques of semi-structured interviews and participant observation in the party environment as the research method. The research set comprised of participants in randomly selected freetekno parties (N=10).

The results of the research show that music and the overall atmosphere of an event with an accent on its tribal character are stated by respondents as the principal motivation for visiting a party. Respondents perceive drugs that are usually used there as connected with the subculture (or rather the subculture considers some drugs to be appropriate, while rejecting others). Hallucinogens and cannabinoids predominate among illegal drugs at freetekno parties. Although most respondents state they are also able to enjoy a party equally well without them, in their answers, they keep referring to drugs being the very thing creating the atmosphere of a dance party.

Keywords: subculture; freetekno; dance music; motivation; illegal drugs


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