Determinants of older people’s preferences for dispensing doctors

Lukas Richter 1 *, Vera Hartmann 2
1 Vienna University of Economics and Business, Institute for Sociology and Social Research, Vienna, Austria 2 University of Vienna, Department of Sociology, Vienna, Austria

Korespondenční autor: Lukas Richter (

ISSN 1804-7181 (On-line)

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Submitted:12. 6. 2020
Accepted: 5. 11. 2020
Published online: 31. 12. 2020


Objectives: Dispensing doctors (DDs) are a central part of the medication supply in Austria. Nevertheless, they are controversial and research pays little attention to perspectives of user-groups, especially older people. Therefore, this article deals with determinants of older people’s approval of dispensing doctors.

Methods: For this purpose, data from a telephone survey with people over 60 years in Lower Austria are used and evaluated by means of a logit model.

Results: The results show that accessibility of medicines is a major reason for the preference of DDs. Key factors are availability of a pharmacy in close proximity (OR: 0.44), independent use of a car (OR: 1.54) and individual mobility due to health reasons (OR: 1.14).

Discussion: DDs are important for older people in terms of a spatially close drug supply. A pharmacy at the place of residence only outweighs the preference for DDs if it is actually accessible for older people (taking low travel costs into account).

Conclusions: The aim must be to improve access to medicines in all communities where there is no pharmacy within a reasonable distance for people with health problems or those with restricted mobility.

Keywords: Dispensing doctors; Lower Austria; Medication supply; Older people; Perceived age


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